
Sin, conviction, confession, repentance
The Character of Sin (Steve Jeffery)
The Fight against Sin (Steve Jeffery)
David's Sin (Geoff Shaw)
David's Conviction (Geoff Shaw)
David's Confession (Geoff Shaw)
David's Repentance (Geoff Shaw)
David's Transformation (Geoff Shaw)
Repentance, part 1 (Randy Booth)
Repentance, part 2 (Randy Booth)
The Parables of Jesus
Three ways to die (The Sower, Mk 4) SJ
The Nature of the Kingdom (Mt 13) SJ
The Grace of the Kingdom (Mt 20:1-16) SJ
Lost Sheep, Lost Coin (Lk 15:1-10) TT
The Lost Sons (Lk 15:11-32) TT
The Dishonest Manager (Lk 16:1-9) GS
Is God Punishing Me? (Lk 16:1-9) SJ
The Hospitality of the Kingdom (Lk 16:19-31) SJ
Foolish Anxiety and God's Boundless Grace SJ
Family Life in the Real World
A Biblical Framework
Redeeming Marriage
Strong Men, Strong Women
The Harsh Reality of Gentle Parenting
Postmillennial Spirituality
Q & A
Deep Foundations
God the Creator
The Speaking God
The Sovereignty of God
The Catastrophe of Sin
The Catastrophe of Sin (part 2)
The Doctrine of Salvation

Recent Audio

Deconstructing the Faith
"Deconstructing the Faith?" The Origins of Critical Social Justice Ideology
Reconstructing the Soul: Recovering from our Epidemic of Anxiety
Reconstructing the Family: Rescuing our Kids from Social Media
Reconstructing Race: Unmasking the Evils of Kinism
Q&A and Panel Discussion with Bo Cogbill and Devin Smith
The Hidden Dangers of Wokeness
What is the Critical Social Justice Movement?
Deep Down In My Heart
Brave New Church
The New Racism
Q & A
Work and Finance
The Psalms
The Path to Happiness (Ps 1)
Ruler of the Nations (Ps 2)
How Many Are My Foes? (Ps 3)
What is Man? (Ps 8)
Knowing God (Ps 19)
Forsaken? (Ps 22)
Reverence (Ps 122)
Lament for a Son (Ps 88)
Worship and Cultural Transformation (Ps 67)
The Family and Cultural Transformation (Ps 127-128)
Worship, the Family, and Cultural Transformation (Q&A, w Geoff Shaw)
The Last Word on Cultural Transformation (Psalm 126)
The Power of the Word (Psalm 119)
A Biblical Antidote to Self-Pity (Pss 42-43)
A Psalm of Victory (Ps 110)
The Imprecatory Psalms
Praying for God's judgment (Ps 5)
The most difficult Psalm? (Ps 137)
The LORD will hear (Pss 9-10)
Latest podcast audio
Living in the mist
The mysteries of Ecclesiastes
Sandcastles at low tide
Wisdom, pleasure and work
A time for everything
Evil in the mist
Draw near to God
Thinking again about wealth
Making difficult decisions
That's not fair!
More bitter than death
The serious business of joy
Life seems random
The price of folly
Trust God and do something
Growing old grace-fully
Introducing Eschatology
History as the revelation of God
The shape of history
The covenant of creation
The covenant with Noah
The covenant with Abraham (1)
The covenant with Abraham (2)
The covenant with Moses (1)
The covenant with Moses (2)
The covenant with David
The Kingdom of God
Understanding dispensationalism
Two objections to postmillennialism
Predicting America's future(s)
A Vision for Deacons
Servants of the church
Character and qualifications
The Deacon's houshold
Men aren't from Mars, women aren't from Venus, so why does it sometimes feel like they are?
Communication problems
What kind of friends do we really need?
Rediscovering masculinity
Rediscovering femininity
Pursuing purity
The forgotten virtue of shrewdness
Transformed community
The Last Enemy
1. The Valley of the Shadow
2. People of Dust
3. Some Sat in Darkness
4. Yet shall they Live
The way we worship
Reverence in the LORD's house
What should I wear to church?
Practical reverence in worship
Worship and Christian culture
A Theology of Singing
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