Thinking Biblically About Money (2)

Pastor Steve Jeffery takes a look at Godly responses to being gossiped about, and walks us through a Biblical approach to the basic concept of wealth.

  • More on money
  • Devotion: what to do when you discover you’re being gossiped about
  • There might be something to the gossip: we’re never utterly innocent
  • Trusting the Lord when we get into the territory of being lied about
  • Asking God for riches and honor
  • We are to assume that riches are good
  • Wealth is a blessing in the Bible
  • Planning for your financial future, humbly, in submission to God
  • It is a good idea to pray over our money
  • We spend a third of every day getting money
  • We should probably ask for God to bless all that time, especially since we hope for it
  • Our world overflows with abundance
  • Economic activity is a reflection of the Triune God

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