Our Worship
Our worship at All Saints follows a pattern that has deep historical roots, and is intimately connected with the story of the gospel. As you participate in our worship, you will notice a five-part shape:
1. Call to worship
Our service begins with a call to worship, as one of our Pastors invites us to lift our voices to praise the Living God. This reflects the fact that it is God who takes the initiative to save us – he chose us from before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight, he gave himself in Christ to die for our sins on the Cross, and he works in us by his Spirit to draw us to him by faith. Salvation comes from the LORD!
2. Confession of sin
We respond to the grace of God’s call by humbling ourselves to confess our sins before him, and to seek his forgiveness. We approach God with reverent fear, and yet with joyful confidence, for Scripture teaches that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We receive the assurance of God’s forgiveness, for he freely bestows the riches of his grace upon all who call on his name.
3. Consecration by God's word
Having welcomed us into his presence, our Lord speaks to us through his word, the Bible, in readings from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and one of the Gospels, as well as a sermon normally preached by one of our Pastors. Our gracious God welcomes us as we are, but he doesn’t leave us as we are – instead, he speaks to us to reveal more of his grace and glory, to guide us through our daily lives, and to make us more like Christ.
4. Communion at the Lord's Table
We enjoy communion with our Lord Jesus Christ at the meal to which he invites all his disciples – the Lord’s Supper. As we eat bread and drink wine, we experience fellowship with one another, we feed on Christ by faith in our hearts, we proclaim his death and resurrection, and we look forward to his return in glory on the Last Day.
5. Commissioning and blessing
Our service concludes with a final blessing, as God sends us out into the world to serve sacrificially and live joyfully, seeking by the power of his Spirit to serve the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords.
From beginning to end, our worship is filled with songs of praise and thanksgiving, declarations of our faith, and corporate prayers.
Children at All Saints
We encourage children to participate throughout our services, recognizing that the grace of God extends not only to us, but also to our children (Gen 17:7-8; Acts 2:38-39).