The CREC HotSpot Project


The CREC HotSpot Project exists to serve CREC churches and church planters, and to help people who would like to see a new CREC church in their area.

The HotSpot map provides detailed data about the geographical distribution of people who consume CREC-related online content. Check it out for yourself below.

Existing churches

Integrate demographic data into your mission strategy by identifying locations where interest in a new church plant may be high.

Local networkers

Contact us to start building a community of people keen to join with you in starting a new CREC church.

Church planters

Evaluate potential church planting locations, and focus your community-building efforts in areas where interest is likely to be high.

Leaflet Image Overlays and Markers with Toggle
All data
All data, population normalized
Blog and Mablog 85%
Blog and Mablog 85%, population normalized
Theopolis 85%
Theopolis 85%, population normalized
Canon Plus 85%
Canon Plus 85%, population normalized
CrossPolitic 85%
CrossPolitic 85%, population normalized







Get the most out of the HotSpot Project by sharing it on your social networks.

Support the HotSpot Project

If you or your church would like to support the HotSpot project, please email Pastor Rob Hadding at Covenant Reformed Church (CREC). Donations may be sent to:

Covenant Reformed Church,

2019 S. Ruth Street,


LA 70663


The CREC (Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches) has been blessed with significant numerical growth in recent years. Our existing congregations are growing in size – some extremely rapidly. Every year, an increasing number of new churches are being added to our ranks, and our church planting efforts are moving forward at an increasing pace.

However, church planting efforts are frequently hampered by uncertainty about the degree of interest among the wider population in prospective church planting locations. The CREC HotSpot Project is designed to address this need by allowing Pastors, church leaders, and church planters to see the level of interest in CREC-related online content in the areas of interest.

Moreover, there remain many areas of the country where no CREC church exists, but where many local people would love to join one. If that’s you, the CREC HotSpot Project allows you to build local networks by making contact with others who may want to join them in establishing a new CREC church.

Existing churches

Are you a Pastor or Officer in a CREC church, seeking to identify promising locations for potential future church plants? The HotSpot map allows you to identify areas that are home to significant numbers of people interested in CREC-related online content. Get started now, and contact us if you have any questions or require a more detailed consultation.

Local networkers

Would you like to join a CREC church, but the nearest congregation is too far away? Explore your local area using the HotSpot map, and share it on your social networks to raise awareness among your friends. Then contact us to share your details and get in touch with other like-minded people who live near you. We will help you to build relationships locally, and your local CREC presbytery will be able to guide you through the process of establishing a new CREC church plant.

Church planters

Cut the guesswork from your church planting efforts, and start relying on real-world data, using the HotSpot map to evaluate potential church planting locations. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, or want to make contact with potential church plant members near you.

Contact us
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